Deinstallation Manual

Uninstalling is a manual process you need to execute in the Terminal program of Apple. This guide describes these steps to remove the driver. The first command helps you finding the technical name of the driver, second you must unload the driver from the kernel, and the last step finally removes the driver from your system.

Deinstalling the PL2303 Driver

step 1 - locating the driver

  • for OS X 10.9 (or newer): cd /Library/Extensions

  • for OS X 10.8 (or older): cd /System/Library/Extensions

Grep the name from the command line:

  • ls | grep 2303

step 1 - pl2303

step 2 - Unloading the driver

  • sudo kextunload ./<name>.kext

You need to enter your administrator password
step 2 - pl2303

step 3 - Removing the driver

  • sudo rm -rf <name>.kext

step 3 - pl2303

Deinstalling the CH341 Driver

step 1 - locating the driver

  • for OS X 10.9 (or newer): cd /Library/Extensions

  • for OS X 10.8 (or older): cd /System/Library/Extensions

Grep the name from the command line:

  • ls | grep ch341

step 3 - ch341

step 2 - Unloading the driver

  • sudo kextunload ./<name>.kext

You need to enter your administrator password
step 2 - ch341

step 2 - Removing the driver

  • sudo rm -rf <name>.kext

step 1 - ch341